Sunday, September 8, 2024

Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 227

The From the Ashes relaunch continues with more new titles to discuss in the Month of X for August 2024. Plus, a sneak peek into September with a review of Exceptional X-Men #1! 

Month in X - August 2024 
Wolverine: Revenge #1 
Wolverine: Deep Cut #2 
Hellverine #4 
X-Men: From the Ashes #9 - 12 
 Phoenix #2 NYX #2 
X-Factor #1 (LGY #293) 
X-Force #2 (LGY #292) 
X-Men #2 (LGY #302) 
X-Men #3 (LGY #303) 
Uncanny X-Men #1 (LGY #701) 

September Sneak Peek 
Exceptional X-Men #1

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Direct Download: X-Nation Episode 227