Sunday, May 12, 2024

Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 223

We’ve got a lot of new book news for the From the Ashes relaunch to discuss. Plus, we’ll discuss the Month in X for April 2024. 

Month in X - April 2024 
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #3 
Weapon X-Men #2 
Wolverine #47
 Wolverine #48 
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #2 
Avengers #12 
Avengers #13 
Invincible Iron Man #17 
Resurrection of Magneto #4 
X-Men #33 
The Fall of the House of X #4 
Dead X-Men #4 
X-Men Forever #2 
Rise of the Powers of X #4

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Direct Download: X-Nation Episode 223

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