In this episode of Avengers Now! Antony and Paul examine the sudden tragedies that have already befallen Civil War II. Plus, All-New, All-Different goes to space and the Unity Squad continue to have trust issues with the newly reborn Hank Pym.
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Direct Download: Avengers Now Episode 37
Avengers Now! - A-Force #6, Squadron Supreme #8, All-New, All-Different Avengers #10, Uncanny Avengers #10, Civil War II #1 - 2, New Avengers #12, and Ultimates #8.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed, iTunes, & Stitcher
Direct Download: Avengers Now Episode 37
Avengers Now! - A-Force #6, Squadron Supreme #8, All-New, All-Different Avengers #10, Uncanny Avengers #10, Civil War II #1 - 2, New Avengers #12, and Ultimates #8.