Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: FF Wormhole Episode 1

In this premiere episode of FF Wormhole, Antony Ellis and Paul Steven Brown take a look at Fantastic Four #600 and #601 and FF #12. Plus, they crank up Doctor Doom’s Time Platform for a journey back to the silver age for a look at the classic Fantastic Four #1 and #2.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: FF Wormhole Episode 1
The Month in F: Fantastic Four #600, FF #12, and Fantastic Four #601
Doctor Doom’s Time Platform: Fantastic Four #1 and Fantastic Four #2
Comic Books,
Fantastic Four,
FF Wormhole,
Marvel Comics,
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
2011 – The Year in X: Part One

By Paul Steven Brown
2011 was a noteworthy year for the X-Men franchise for a few reasons. We saw the transition of the writing duties on Uncanny X-Men from Matt Fraction to Kieron Gillen. New Mutants received a new writing team in the form of the reliable pair, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. Mike Carey, the longest running writer currently on an X-Book, other than Peter David, announced that he would be leaving X-Men: Legacy in December. And there was a little event called Schism that resulted in the launch of a new core title, Wolverine and the X-Men, and the renumbering of the flagship book, Uncanny X-Men.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: DC Wormhole Episode 5

In this installment of DC Wormhole, Chris and Paul take a look at seven new books from the third month of the DC Comics relaunch. They even talk about Superman #3.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 5
In the DC Wormhole: Batman #3, Justice League #3, Wonder Woman #3, Superman #3, Aquaman #3, Teen Titans #3, and The Flash #3.
Comic Books,
DC Comics,
DC Wormhole,
Justice League,
Teen Titans,
The Flash,
Wonder Woman
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Present: X-Nation Episode 57

In this installment of X-Nation, Antony, Elizabeth, and Paul talk about some recent cancellation announcements in the X-Buzz and discuss the Month in X for November 2011. And because no one demanded it, we've got the return of the X-Nation outtakes at the end of the episode. So join us for Mutants, Muppets, and Skyrim in Episode 57!
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 57
Month in X: X-23 #16, X-23 #17, Daken: Dark Wolverine #17, Uncanny X-Force #17, X-Factor #227, X-Men: Legacy #258, X-Men: Legacy #259, Wolverine #18, Wolverine #19, Wolverine and the X-Men #2, Magneto: Not a Hero #1, Astonishing X-Men #44, X-Men #20, X-Men #21, Generation Hope #13, New Mutants #33, New Mutants #34, Uncanny X-Men #1, and Uncanny X-Men #2.
Generation Hope,
Marvel Comics,
Month in X,
New Mutants,
Uncanny X-Force,
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 14

The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin Crowl and Scott Bechtel takes you through the Month in Merc for October 2011 as well as a stroll down memory lane in Past-o-Vision.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 14
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool #44,#45 Deadpool MAX II #1, and for our Past-o-vision Deadpool Sins Past #3.
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation X-Addiction Rewind Episode 2

Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation X-Addiction Rewind Episode 2
It's another remastered flashback from the early days when X-Nation was called X-Addiction! In this installment, Antony and Paul look back at the Month in X for August 2008, give trade advice for new readers in the Starter Kit, crank up the Mojovision with a look at the first four episodes of the original X-Men animated series, make some prediction in Destiny's Diary, and dive into some X-Men trivia in the Danger Room.
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: DC Wormhole Episode 4
In this installment of DC Wormhole, Chris and Paul take a look at seven new books from the DC Comics relaunch.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 4
The Flash #2, Teen Titans #2, Aquaman #2, Superman #2, Action Comics #3, Detective Comics #3, and Green Lantern #3.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 4
The Flash #2, Teen Titans #2, Aquaman #2, Superman #2, Action Comics #3, Detective Comics #3, and Green Lantern #3.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 56
In this installment of X-Nation, Antony, Elizabeth, and Paul take a look back at seven classic(?!) comics in Days of X-Men Past.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 56
Days of X-Men Past: X-Treme X-Men #22, X-Treme X-Men #23, Mekanix #6, New X-Men #137, New X-Men #138, Uncanny X-Men #418 and Uncanny X-Men #419.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 56
Days of X-Men Past: X-Treme X-Men #22, X-Treme X-Men #23, Mekanix #6, New X-Men #137, New X-Men #138, Uncanny X-Men #418 and Uncanny X-Men #419.
Days of X-Men Past,
Marvel Comics,
New X-Men,
Uncanny X-Men,
X-Treme X-Men
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 55

In this installment of X-Nation we discuss some of the news from the New York Comic Con in the X-Buzz and look back at the Month in X for October 2011.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 55
Month in X: X-23 #15, Daken: Dark Wolverine #15, Daken: Dark Wolverine #16, X-Men #19, Astonishing X-Men #43, Uncanny X-Force #16, New Mutants #32, X-Factor #226, X-Men: Legacy #257, X-Men: Schism #5, X-Men Regenesis #1, Generation Hope #12, Wolverine # 17, Uncanny X-Men #544, and Wolverine & the X-Men #1
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
New Mutants,
Uncanny X-Force,
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 13

Spinning out of X-Nation, The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin Crowl and Scott Bechtel takes you through the Month in Merc for September 2011 as well as a stroll down memory lane in Past-o-Vision.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 13
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool MAX #12, Wolverine Vs The Marvel Universe #4, Deadpool #43 and for our Past-O-Vision Deadpool of the Sins Past #2.
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: DC Wormhole Episode 3

Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 3
In this installment of DC Wormhole, Chris and Paul dive headfirst into the second month of the DC Comics relaunch with reviews of Action Comics, Detective Comics, Green Lantern, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Justice League.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 54

In this installment of X-Nation, Antony, Elizabeth, and Paul take a look back at fourteen X-Books from early 2003 in a giant-size edition of Days of X-Men Past.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 54
Days of X-Men Past: Mekanix #4 & 5, Uncanny X-Men #414 - 417, X-Treme X-Men X-Pose #1 & 2, X-Treme X-Men #20 & 21, & New X-Men #133 - 136.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: DC Wormhole Episode 2
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 2
In this installment of DC Wormhole, Allison, Chris, and Paul discuss the first issues of Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Superman, and Teen Titans. Plus, we take a look at some other DC books that came out over the past two weeks.
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 2
In this installment of DC Wormhole, Allison, Chris, and Paul discuss the first issues of Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Superman, and Teen Titans. Plus, we take a look at some other DC books that came out over the past two weeks.
Comic Books,
DC Comics,
DC Wormhole,
Teen Titans,
The Flash,
Wonder Woman
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 53
In this installment of X-Nation we review the X-Men: Destiny video game and take a look back at the Month in X for September 2011.
Download: X-Nation Episode 53
Month in X – September 2011: Fear Itself: Wolverine #3, Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #3, Uncanny X-Men #543, New Mutants #31, Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #7, X-Men #17, X-Men #18, Astonishing X-Men #42, X-23 #14, Daken: Dark Wolverine #14, Wolverine #15, Wolverine #16, X-Men: Legacy #255,X-Men: Legacy #256, X-Factor #224.1, X-Factor #225, Uncanny X-Force #15, X-Men: Schism #4, and Generation Hope #11.
Comic Books,
Fear Itself,
Marvel Comics,
New Mutants,
Uncanny X-Force,
Monday, September 26, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 12
Spinning out of X-Nation, The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin Crowl and Scott Bechtel takes you through the Month in Merc for August 2011 as well as a stroll down memory lane in Past-o-Vision.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 12
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool #41-42, Deadpool MAX #11, Fear Itself: Deadpool #3 and for our Past-o-vision Deadpool: The Circle Chase #4, and Deadpool Sins Past #1.
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: DC Wormhole Episode 1
In this installment of DC Wormhole, Allison, Chris, and Paul take a look at a selection of titles that came out during the first two weeks of the new DC relaunch.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 1
In the Wormhole: Justice League #1, Action Comics #1, Detective Comics #1, and Green Lantern #1
On the Edge of the Wormhole: Animal Man #1, Batgirl #1, and Batwoman #1
Plus, quick glances at the rest of the DC books that came out over the past two weeks.
Animal Man,
Comic Books,
DC Comics,
DC Wormhole,
Green Lantern,
Justice League,
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 52
In this installment of X-Nation we take a look back at the Month of X for August 2011.
Download: X-Nation Episode 52
Month in X – August 2011: Fear Itself: Wolverine #2, Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #2, Uncanny X-Men #542, New Mutants #29, New Mutants #30, X-23 #13, Daken: Dark Wolverine #12, Daken: Dark Wolverine #13, Wolverine # 13, Wolverine #14, Astonishing X-Men #41, X-Men #15.1, X-Men #16, X-Factor #223, X-Factor #224, X-Men: Legacy #253, X-Men: Legacy #254, Uncanny X-Force #13, Uncanny X-Force #14, X-Men: Schism #3, and Generation Hope #10.
Marvel Comics,
Month in X,
New Mutants,
Uncanny X-Force,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 11
Spinning out of X-Nation, The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin Crowl and Scott Bechtel takes you through the Month in Merc for July 2011 as well as a stroll down memory lane in Past-o-Vision.
Download: The Merc Report Episode 11
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool #40, Deadpool MAX #10, Fear Itself: Deadpool #2, and for our Past-o-Vision Deadpool: The Circle Chase #2,3.
0:00:00 General Talk/Comic Con
0:30:03 Fear Itself Deadpool #2
0:43:30 Deadpool #40
0:55:01 Wolverine/Deadpool Decoy
1:02:42 Deadpool MAX #10
1:14:41 Deadpool Circle Chase #2
1:22:11 Deadpool Circle Chase #3
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 51
In this installment of X-Nation, we discuss the latest news in the X-Buzz and take a look back at the Month of X for July 2011.
Download: X-Nation Episode 51
Month in X - July 2011: X-Men #14, X-Men #15, Astonishing X-Men #40, X-23 #12, Daken: Dark Wolverine #11, Wolverine #12, Uncanny X-Force #12, Generation Hope #9, X-Factor #222, X-Men: Legacy #252, New Mutants #27, New Mutants #28, X-Men: Schism #1, & X-Men: Schism #2.
Marvel Comics,
Month in X,
New Mutants,
Uncanny X-Force,
Monday, August 8, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: DC Wormhole Episode 0
In this preview episode of DC Wormhole, Chris Partin and Paul Steven Brown discuss the big DC Comics reboot and examine the creative teams and their expectations for the ten titles that they will cover on this podcast.
Download: DC Wormhole Episode 0
Comic Books,
DC Comics,
DC Wormhole,
Green Lantern,
Justice League,
Teen Titans,
Wonder Woman
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation X-Addiction Rewind Episode 1
Journey back to the very first episode of the podcast that would become X-Nation! This is X-Addiction Episode 1 in all its original glory (with some minor sound remastering). Join Antony Ellis and Paul Steven Brown has they discuss the Month in X for July 2008. Plus, they go over the news out of the 2008 San Diego Comic Con and make predictions in a segment called Destiny’s Diary.
Download: X-Nation X-Addiction Rewind Episode 1
The Month of X – July 2008: Astonishing X-Men #25, Cable #5, Young X-Men #4, X-Factor #33, X-Force #5, Uncanny X-Men #500, X-Men: Legacy #214, Wolverine #67, and Wolverine: Origins #27.
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 50
In this special 50th episode of X-Nation, we look back at the history of X-Nation and its previous incarnation, X-Addiction. Plus, we take a look the X-Men’s involvement in Marvel’s big summer crossover, Fear Itself.
Download: X-Nation Episode 50
Fear Itself: Fear Itself: The Deep #1, Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #1, Fear Itself: Wolverine #1, Uncanny X-Men #540, & Uncanny X-Men #541.
Comic Books,
Fear Itself,
Marvel Comics,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 23
In this installment of X-Nation, we take a look back at seven more classic issues in Days of X-Men Past.
Download: X-Nation Episode 23
Days of X-Men Past: Mekanix #3, X-Treme X-Men #18, X-Treme X-Men #19, Uncanny X-Men #412, Uncanny X-Men #413, New X-Men #131, & New X-Men #132.
Days of X-Men Past,
Marvel Comics,
New X-Men,
Uncanny X-Men,
X-Treme X-Men
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 10
Spinning out of X-Nation, The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin Crowl and Scott Bechtel takes us through the Month in Merc for June 2011.
Download: The Merc Report Episode 10
14:21 Deadpool #38 & 39
29:16 Fear Itself Deadpool #1
44:24 Incredible Hulks Annual #152:35 Past-O-Vision: Deadpool The Circle Chase #1
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 22
The wait is over! Did you miss us? We certainly missed you! The X-Nation crew get back into action with a look back at the Month in X for June 2011!
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 22
Month in X – June 2011: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6, Astonishing X-Men #39, X-Men: Prelude to Schism #3 & 4, X-Men #12 & #13, X-Factor #220 & #221, New Mutants #26, Uncanny X-Force #11, X-23 #11, Daken: Dark Wolverine #10, Wolverine #10 & #11, X-Men: Legacy #250 & #251, Generation Hope #8, Uncanny X-Men #538 & #539.
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 9
Spinning out of X-Nation, The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin Crowl and Scott Bechtel takes us through the Month in Merc for May 2011.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 9
10:23 Deadpool MAX #8
23:25 Deadpool #37...err X-Men First Class tangent...
31:07 Deadpool #37
40:15 Deadpool Annual #1
53:56 Past-O-Vision: New Mutants #98
1:09:57 Special Guest! Elizabeth Jurgens!
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 9
10:23 Deadpool MAX #8
23:25 Deadpool #37...err X-Men First Class tangent...
31:07 Deadpool #37
40:15 Deadpool Annual #1
53:56 Past-O-Vision: New Mutants #98
1:09:57 Special Guest! Elizabeth Jurgens!
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 21
In this installment of X-Nation, we look back at seven more issues from yesterday in Days of X-Men Past.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 21
Days of X-Men Past: New X-Men #129, New X-Men #130, Mekanix #2, X-Treme X-Men #16, X-Treme X-Men #17, Uncanny X-Men #410, & Uncanny X-Men #411.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 21
Days of X-Men Past: New X-Men #129, New X-Men #130, Mekanix #2, X-Treme X-Men #16, X-Treme X-Men #17, Uncanny X-Men #410, & Uncanny X-Men #411.
Days of X-Men Past,
Marvel Comics,
New X-Men,
Uncanny X-Men,
X-Treme X-Men
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 20
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 20
It's too sexy!!! In this installment of X-Nation we take a look at our favorite mutants' latest adventure on the big screen in X-Men: First Class.
Download: X-Nation Episode 20
It's too sexy!!! In this installment of X-Nation we take a look at our favorite mutants' latest adventure on the big screen in X-Men: First Class.
Marvel Comics,
X-Men: First Class,
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 19
In this installment of X-Nation we take a look back at the Month in X for May 2011.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 19
The Month in X: Namor: The First Mutant Annual #1, Astonishing X-Men #37, Astonishing X-Men #38, X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1, X-Men: Prelude to Schism #2, X-Men #11, X-Men Giant-Size #1, Daken #9, Daken #9.1, X-23 #10, Wolverine #9, X-Men: Legacy #248, X-Men: Legacy #249, New Mutants #25, X-Factor #219, Uncanny X-Force #9, Uncanny X-Force #10, Generation Hope #7, & Uncanny X-Men #537.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 19
The Month in X: Namor: The First Mutant Annual #1, Astonishing X-Men #37, Astonishing X-Men #38, X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1, X-Men: Prelude to Schism #2, X-Men #11, X-Men Giant-Size #1, Daken #9, Daken #9.1, X-23 #10, Wolverine #9, X-Men: Legacy #248, X-Men: Legacy #249, New Mutants #25, X-Factor #219, Uncanny X-Force #9, Uncanny X-Force #10, Generation Hope #7, & Uncanny X-Men #537.
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
New Mutants,
Uncanny X-Force,
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Doctor Who - "The Rebel Flesh"
Rory (Arthur Darvill) and Amy (Karen Gillan) go lurking through a dank, acid-leaking castle. |
'Doctor Who’
Season 6 – Episode 5
“The Rebel Flesh”
Everyone likes to believe they’re one of a kind. Alas, in the words of Tyler Durden, “you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake”. There’s a lot of pathos and comedy to be mined from a doppleganger situation. In recent cinematic memory Duncan Jones explored the consequences of a man coming face to face with himself. 2009’s Moon was poignant, claustrophobic, blackly comic. Clones aren’t just a trope of sci-fi either; four hundred years ago, Shakespeare employed twins and disguises for his comedies of error.
BBC America,
BBC One,
Doctor Who,
Doctor Who Season Six
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 8
Spinning out of X-Nation, The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin Crowl and Scott Bechtel takes us through the Month in Merc for April 2011.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 8
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool #35 & #36, Deadpool MAX #7, Deadpool Family, and Amazing Spider-Man Annual #38.
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 8
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool #35 & #36, Deadpool MAX #7, Deadpool Family, and Amazing Spider-Man Annual #38.
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Doctor Who - "The Doctor's Wife"
Idris (Suranne Jones) meets the Doctor (Matt Smith). Photo Credit: BBC |
'Doctor Who'
Season 6 - Episode 4
"The Doctor's Wife"
The nature of the TARDIS has always been one the cooler, more fanciful, aspects of 'Doctor Who'. We know that the Doctor stole, or in his words "borrowed", it long before his adventures begam being televised in the mid '60s. Also, the TARDIS doesn't always take the Doctor where he wants to go, but quite to where he is needed. There are times when the little blue box seems almost alive.
BBC America,
BBC One,
Doctor Who,
Doctor Who Season Six
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Doctor Who - "The Curse of the Black Spot"
Rory (Arthur Darville), Amy (Karen Gillan), and the Doctor (Matt Smith) just realized that it's going to be one of those episodes of 'Doctor Who'. Photo Credit: BBC |
‘Doctor Who’
Season 6 – Episode 3
“The Curse of the Black Spot”
Doctor Who, in my opinion, has two types of episode. Ones which mainly build the seasons overarching plot, and those quieter ones which are set pieces, if you will; done-in-one adventures in time and space. I’m a continuity whore – I love the stuff – so it was weird for me to be looking forward for the done-in-one adventure that “The Curse of the Black Spot” provides, however, I put that down to the terribly confusing and illogical opening to Season Six with “The Impossible Astronaut” and “Day of the Moon”.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Stargate Universe - "Gauntlet"
Rush (Robert Carlyle), Eli (David Blue), and Col. Young (Louis Ferreira) prep the stasis pods. Photo Credit: Syfy |
'Stargate Universe'
Season 2 - Episode 20
I've mentioned before that I was never a viewer of 'Stargate SG1' or 'Stargate Atlantis', but I decided to give 'Stargate Universe' a try because of Robert Carlyle and the very fact that it look totally different from the previous shows. It didn't hurt that it was promoted as being new viewer friendly. For the most part, it was different (less 'Star Trek' and more 'Battlestar Galactica') and I was able to jump into it with ease and with very little knowledge of the Stargate franchise.
I've mentioned before that I was never a viewer of 'Stargate SG1' or 'Stargate Atlantis', but I decided to give 'Stargate Universe' a try because of Robert Carlyle and the very fact that it look totally different from the previous shows. It didn't hurt that it was promoted as being new viewer friendly. For the most part, it was different (less 'Star Trek' and more 'Battlestar Galactica') and I was able to jump into it with ease and with very little knowledge of the Stargate franchise.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 18
The Silents will jiggle! In this installment of X-Nation we take a look back at the Month in X for April 2011. Plus we have some listener voicemails and thoughts from the forum.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 18
Month in X – April 2011: X-Men: Legacy #247, New Mutants #24, Age of X #2, Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier Annual #1, Daken: Dark Wolverine #8, X-23 #9, Wolverine #8, Wolverine & Jubilee #4, X-Factor #218, Uncanny X-Force #7, Uncanny X-Force #8, X-Men #10, Generation Hope #6, Uncanny X-Men #534.1, Uncanny X-Men #535, & Uncanny X-Men #536.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: X-Nation Episode 18
Month in X – April 2011: X-Men: Legacy #247, New Mutants #24, Age of X #2, Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier Annual #1, Daken: Dark Wolverine #8, X-23 #9, Wolverine #8, Wolverine & Jubilee #4, X-Factor #218, Uncanny X-Force #7, Uncanny X-Force #8, X-Men #10, Generation Hope #6, Uncanny X-Men #534.1, Uncanny X-Men #535, & Uncanny X-Men #536.
Comic Books,
Marvel Comics,
New Mutants,
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Fringe - "The Day We Died"
Ella (Emily Meade), Astrid (Jasika Nicole), Peter (Joshua Jackson), and Olivia (Anna Torv), fifteen years into the future. Photo Credit: FOX |
Season 3 - Episode 22
"The Day We Died"
One of the problems with some science fiction stories that take the narrative into a possible future, is whether or not such a side trip is even necessary. Does the story impact the bigger picture in anyway, or is this just a tale told just for the sake of it? Luckily, the little fifteen year jaunt that we see in "The Day We Died" does have some significance for the greater narrative of 'Fringe'.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Stargate Universe - "Blockade"
Eli (David Blue) runs through some calculations. |
'Stargate Universe'
Season 2 - Episode 19
As 'Stargate Universe' nears the end of its run, it's pretty clear that the creators were not given much wiggle room to wrap things up in a more final fashion. "Blockade" is the penultimate episode of the series, but it certainly plays as it was originally intended, an episode before a "season" finale. Alas, Syfy deemed the show not worthy of a second season and it looks like the show could likely end without a satisfying resolution.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Game of Thrones - "Lord Snow"
Littlefinger's (Aiden Gillen) intentions are misunderstood by Ned Stark (Sean Bean) |
'Game of Thrones'
Season 1 - Episode 3
"Lord Snow"
While defined plans have not been concretely laid out after three episodes, there is still a feeling that sharks are circling their prey. The thing is, not all the sharks and prey are aware of their roles. Some characters are just now realizing their true potential.
Game of Thrones,
Game of Thrones Season One,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Fringe - "The Last Sam Weiss"
Sam Weiss (Kevin Corrigan) helps Olivia Dunhamn (Anna Torv) get an artifact of the First People. Photo Credit: FOX |
Season 3 - Episode 21
"The Last Sam Weiss"
What?! And there's still one more episode left in this season?! Take it easy on me, 'Fringe'! I don't think I can handle this intensity!
Doctor Who - "Day of the Moon"
Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) does her best Dana Scully imitation in "Day of the Moon". Photo Credit: BBC |
‘Doctor Who’
Season 6 – Episode 2
“Day of the Moon”
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” So said Adolf Hitler, but I imagine a similar mantra was adopted by Russell T Davies during his tenure as the Doctor Who show-runner.
BBC America,
BBC One,
Doctor Who,
Doctor Who Season Six
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: X-Nation Episode 17
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Download: X-Nation Episode 17
Med-Chun! In this installment of X-Nation we discuss seven classic issues in Days of X-Men Past: New X-Men #127, New X-Men #128, X-Treme X-Men #14, X-Treme X-Men #15, Mekanix #1, Uncanny X-Men #408, Uncanny X-Men #409.
Download: X-Nation Episode 17
Med-Chun! In this installment of X-Nation we discuss seven classic issues in Days of X-Men Past: New X-Men #127, New X-Men #128, X-Treme X-Men #14, X-Treme X-Men #15, Mekanix #1, Uncanny X-Men #408, Uncanny X-Men #409.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Game of Thrones - "The Kingsroad"
Beware of smiling Lannisters (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), young Jon Snow (Kit Harington). Photo Credit: HBO |
'Game of Thrones'
Season 1 - Episode 2
"The Kingsroad"
The premiere had to do the heavy lifting of introducing the viewers to this fantastic world as well as the many faces that populate and shape it. This week, "The Kingsroad" gets to stretch its legs a bit and start the work of pushing the story. As a result, a few characters began to show some interesting growth and potential. However, others need to be deepened.
Game of Thrones,
Game of Thrones Season One,
Stargate Universe - "Epilogue"
Alternate versions Greer (Jamil Walker Smith) and Park (Jennifer Spence) grow old together 2000 years in the past. Photo Credit: Syfy |
'Stargate Universe'
Season 2 - Episode 18
What really makes "Epilogue" work, unlike Lt. Scott's small town fantasy in "Cloverdale", is that the events are a "What if?" that actually happened within the context of the 'Stargate Universe'. Also, the historical data highlights the potential of a few people, the hint of possible romance, and the spectre of disease for at least one crew member. Once again, no communication stones or call backs to the previous two Stargate series. Not bad gang.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Cultural Wormhole Presents: The Merc Report Episode 7
Spinning out of X-Nation, The Merc Report is your monthly review of the many Deadpool comic books published by Marvel Comics. This episode Corwin and Scott takes us through the Month in Merc for March 2011.
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 7
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool #33.1, 34, Deadpool Team-Up #883, Venompool, Deadpool Corps #12, 5 Ronin #5: Deadpool and Deadpool MAX #6.
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Subscribe to the show: RSS Feed & iTunes
Download: The Merc Report Episode 7
Reviewed this episode: Deadpool #33.1, 34, Deadpool Team-Up #883, Venompool, Deadpool Corps #12, 5 Ronin #5: Deadpool and Deadpool MAX #6.
Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Marvel Comics,
The Merc Report
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Doctor Who - "The Impossible Astronaut"
Matt Smith returns as the Doctor. Photo Credit: BBC |
'Doctor Who'
Season 6 - Episode 1
"The Impossible Astronaut"
The powers that be at the BBC finally wised up and decided that it would be in their best interest if episodes of 'Doctor Who' aired in the UK, the US, and Canada on the same day. Before there was a lag of several weeks, resulting in those who were impatient and technologically inclined to download the episodes illegally. Because I do not want to pay extra for an expanded cable package just to watch BBC America, I have opted for the next best legal option: an iTunes season pass. While not instantaneous, this does allow me to watch the newest episode of 'Doctor Who' within less than twelve hours of the US broadcast.
The powers that be at the BBC finally wised up and decided that it would be in their best interest if episodes of 'Doctor Who' aired in the UK, the US, and Canada on the same day. Before there was a lag of several weeks, resulting in those who were impatient and technologically inclined to download the episodes illegally. Because I do not want to pay extra for an expanded cable package just to watch BBC America, I have opted for the next best legal option: an iTunes season pass. While not instantaneous, this does allow me to watch the newest episode of 'Doctor Who' within less than twelve hours of the US broadcast.
BBC America,
BBC One,
Doctor Who,
Doctor Who Season Six
Fringe - "6:02 AM EST"
Olivia (Anna Torv) and Nina (Blair Brown) discuss the mysterious Sam Weiss. Photo Credit: FOX |
Season 3 - Episode 20
"6:02 AM EST"
This week's 'Fringe' was a very welcomed return to form. While the rest of the season has not been as strong as the opening eight episode "switched Olivia" arc, the only real weak hour was last week's "LSD". Season three has been the strongest yet for the show and "6:02 AM EST" is any indicator, we're in for a hell of closing run.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Stargate Universe - "Common Descent"
Lt. Scott (Brian J. Smith) checks out a new world on the other side of the gate. Photo Credit: Syfy |
'Stargate Universe'
Season 2 - Episode 17
"Common Descent"
Finally, after several lukewarm episodes, 'Stargate Universe' delivers one that not only builds on material generated from within this series, but with some compelling ramifications. No communication stones. No mix bag of unrelated subplots. No ideas that would make more sense if I had watched the other two Stargate programs. This was more like it.
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